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Welcome to all of you :) You will find here the translation in english of the latest book of Caroline Bright "Shiva-Dionysus-Osiris or...

mardi 4 octobre 2016

SHIVA - Dionysos-Osiris or the Sacred Delices - Part 2

from Wandering to Ecstasy

or the Sacred Delices

«This body is the most sacred temple 
because the Supreme Shiva has established 
His home there. 
He is the Self.»
«Nothing exists that is not Shiva»
Svacchanda Tantra

The usual representations of Shiva, the wanderer and the cosmic dancer, impress the human minds and give rise to many questions, and even an intense spiritual quest. 
Shiva, fascinating god of music, of dance and yoga, creator of the concept of Theatre that he considers playful, teaching and formative as a «Sacred explana-tory dance». 
When Shiva appears before our astonished eyes or when he inspires, via dedicated scribes, myths and legends, allegories and metaphors, he plays always a character. Just as Odin wandering around as beggar, masked with his wide-brimmed hat, unrecognizable with his cloak, who never appears with his true identity, at least at first sight, in order to test his children. Such as an examination, a testing, and why not, a challenge.
How will they welcome this strange, blind and so advanced in years being ? Listening to him, will they recognize his so powerful values, always expressed with wise virulence? Or will they be blind, rude, selfish and stupid, judging and condemning hastily his words and appearance as the last four millennia have taught them? 
Shiva-Odin is wandering.(1) He conquers plains and cities, mountains and forests. True to himself, he appears to Humans -and to several Gods also-, hirsute and dirty, deformed (2), in rags or like mad, the chest surrounded by a necklace of skulls.
He observes. What does he see ? The non-recognition. The lack of discernment. Foolishness. Incompetence. Ignorance. In one word, CONCEITEDNESS. 

Besides, the ancient Texts certify that the haughty caste of Brahmins does its best to ignore Shiva and to stay away from Him. Still today, for most of them. Worse, the Sages, one day, decreed the killing of the great God. That Humans, moreover initiates, think they are able to kill a so powerful Immortal is astounding. Sages,.. did you say ...? 
Let's see the facts that are scarcely allegorical : 
Wherever the Lingam went by, infertility was passing away, growth was settling everywhere and with it, a plethora of luxuriance and abundance. Exasperated by a so insolent generosity and a so benevolent compassion (3), the sages cursed the Lingam and publicly condemned ithyphallic Shiva, the great «fertilizer». 
Gathered all together, the imbeciles were chanting, despising and blaming the penis of Shiva, they were abominating the sacred seed. 
From the Heights, Shiva, serene, was gauging such an avalanche of complacency. Amused, he suddenly appeared naked, dishevelled, with an erect penis, dirty and covered with ashes. 
The ascetics, outraged, tried twice as hard. Their chanting became curses and their whispers, shouts. 
Shiva remained imperturbable. Suddenly the sacred lingam fell down to the ground. For a very brief instant, he appeared to be emasculated, sterilized, impotent.

Unfortunately for these so-called sages, no one can compel Shiva, even less his Lingam blessed by the Life. The Lingam erected itself, autonomous, as if it was born of itself, and burned all what was around. The ascetics, blinded by their insufferable conceit, understood nothing of the terrible warning of Shiva. They believed the Lingam to be self-immolated. Worse, they returned to their homes, stupidly happy, surprised by their immense power. 
But the fact is, whoever curses Shiva is cursed in his turn by the Life.
Since that day, wherever these imbeciles went by, Life was perishing, the joy was dying, the fields were depleting, crops were becoming scarce. Death was spreading in all directions, like a terrifying leprosy. 
The people, informed of the «story» and outraged by such arrogance, deserted the Ashrams and strongly condemned these cheap wise ones, making them rightly responsible for all their ills. Finally aware of their unfathomable stupidity, ashamed of their tragic conceit, terrified in front of so many disasters, the «wise men» who feared the name Shiva at its mere mention, ran to implore Brahma to stop such chaos.
«Stupid as you are, said sharply Brahma, you have lost everything in an instant, your initiations, your «wisdom» and even your ability to become immortal some day. Are you blind? 
Don't you see that this penis you cursed so much is none other than that of Shiva, who fecundates Life, the one with whom Life mates? Shame on you! »
Sheepish, devastated, the «wise ones» wrung their hands, crying and sobbing, begging Brahma. The hours went by and the ascetics still languished. So, in front of the endless wailing of those miserable ones, Brahma agreed to help them : 

« Stabilize the phallus in order that the world stabilizes again. Place it on a pedestal shaped like a vagina and an arrow (4), water it with holy water and pray to Shiva».
This is how was born the well-known symbol of the Lingam and the Yoni. So, they had to honor throughout their life this so reviled Lingam, but which is so essential to the blossoming of Life, to the peace between peoples, to the flow of Life energy within all of us. (5)
«Stabilize the phallus in order that the world stabilizes again»: think of the Djed (6) that must always stand upright and deeply planted in the Earth, so that Civilizations and Golden Age will continue. As soon as the Djed is bent or worse broken, right after, Chaos spreads on Earth. And logically, impacts the celestial which experiences a rebound of chaos. The reverse is also true. Thus, the famous «As above, so below for the manifestation of one thing» by Thot-Hermes, provides new avenues for reflection. 
And the only goal of Kali Yuga is to break the Djed, to see the Lingam falling to the ground. After all, extreme suffering is it not the daily food of Kali Yuga ?

Let me be clear :
Shiva/Linga represents the very foundation of our world, the true one, ours, the one we enjoyed in the past. We ENJOYED. Because in truth, Shiva fully embodies the ecstatic pleasure, the intense jubilation, and this ecstatic pleasure, this intense jubilation are the branches of our universe when Shiva rules. 
Dances, joys, celebrations and chants feed our daily life, while the profound understanding of the noble and sacred sexuality, child of true Love, echo of the 
primordial Sound opens the door towards the Mysteries and Transcendence. 
Shiva does not emasculate himself, does not kill himself, does not lock himself, does not contain himself. The same goes for Parvati / Kali. (7) 
These beings are «beyond».

And yet in the Vedas, in books about Hindouism, on «authorised» websites discussing these subjects, Shiva is shown as an abstinent god. And yet and always, everything contradicts this assertion, EVERYTHING. Where do people study? Where do they do their research to conclude such intellectual extravagances ? The God of the Lingam, ityphallic and fertilizing, abstinent ...
Here is the Kali Yuga whose death throes continue to damage people : the more the discourse is incoherent the more it is glorified. Of course, Shiva is identified to the great Ascetic but in the sense of the god of Yoga ! 
According to our Gods, «ascetic» (8) means the great disciplined. A discipline of study and relentless practice, rewarded by Enlightenment. Ea-Shiva was the first God to experience Enlightenment. He found this path alone. ALONE. On this point, he is «ascetic», and not at all because he starves and lives in a cold cave with only a few grains of rice once or twice a week, considering the woman as the worst temptation. 
Abstinent, really ?? ... pffft. 
Making of Shiva a concept, making him abstinent and therefore STERILE, is an invention of the Vedas, book written by the «newcomers» in India as everywhere else, and who are called «aryans» to add more confusion.

Let's make a little break : Shiva loves love, makes love and fully assumes. Let's read the following sentences : 
« When they left and that Shiva remained alone with Sati (9), he enjoyed great happiness and their lovemaking was countless and indescribable. Even apart from his prolonged embrace with the Goddess, where their profound union was achieved, he could not turn away his attention from her, and adulated her with all kinds of love play.»(10)

The «Shiva Yoga» has never been intended to any withdrawal whatsoever from Life, but on the contrary to be involved in the daily life WITH a constant open and broad Consciousness. «Stretching» and «yoga-fitness» pompously renamed today «yoga» are very far away from Shiva's teaching. And this, although any trendy method or technique is exclusively inspired from Yoga, because Yoga is all, and prior to everything.
The postures that have gone through millennia are correct for most of them but dispossessed of the breath, the true sound, the just visualisation, the understanding of the symbolism inherent to each asana. And above all, of the contact with Shiva. 
This is why twenty, thirty years later, all these «initiated» teachers of yoga have still not ascended their Kundalini.

Yoga is an act of love with Shiva, a tribute that is constantly offered to this Wonderful Being. Yoga is a sacred language sung by the active or motionless body.
I will repeat this because Yoga without Consciousness is nothing but physical exercise to maintain the energy structure, which is not so bad, I agree. Nor deny that beginners should at first become supple, feel, practice just before diving into authentic Yoga. Of course. But then, if we want to progress, to wake up Kundalini, because it's the goal, -becoming a little Shiva, a little Parvati-, we will have to switch to «Total Yoga».
Because the act of love that is Yoga, this deep, powerful and intense coupling with Shiva-Shakti is the key to the rise of the Serpent. 
And this rise instantly connects us to the world of Shiva. Again, let's go to the sacred Heights: 
« The Kailasa, the mountain where is the paradise of Shiva, is full of beautiful gardens. ... It is a delightful place where is found all that leads to happiness. ... There are all kinds of trees and lianas, deers, fallow deers, gazelles and thousands of birds. The nymphs are playing with their lovers in springs and ponds ... There are many animals, tigers and others, but they are not ferocious. ... Nature is resplendent and inspires wonder and admiration. ... Further on, is the Pippala, the fig tree under which Shiva practices Yoga. ... It is beautiful and sacred ».(11)

Let's return to the grotesque will of the ruling castes (Brahmins and others) to reduce Shiva to nothing. What a nerve ! ... (12)
Let's read the comment that is under a pictorial representation of Shiva at the BNF, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (13)
«Chidambaram, in the state of Tamil Nadu, is one of the most sacred places of Shaivism. This is where Shiva performed his dance of bliss (ananda-tandava) on the body of the dwarf Apasmara (the man without memory). Therefore Shiva is worshipped as Nataraja, the cosmic dancer. 
The Tamil Kanda Purana tells us about the origin of the dance of bliss (ananda-tandava) and Shiva's attributes:
The hermits in Taruka's forest, hostile to Shiva, practiced austerities and sacrifices to conquer heaven. 
Shiva went to Taruka accompanied by Vishnu and diverted them from their austerities. Annoyed, they then made a sacrifice to kill him and threw in turn against him a fierce tiger, a trident, an antelope, snakes, a skull, spells and the malignant Muyalakan (epilepsy).
Shiva tore the skin of the tiger to make his clothes, seized the trident, placed the antelope in his left hand, made of snakes his adornment, then under the name of Shankar (the one who gives peace), he quieted the demons, crushed the demon Muyalakan under his feet and began to dance on him. 

The universe trembled and when the dance stopped, the hermits prostrated themselves at the feet of the God and sang his praise. Shiva ordered them to continue their austere life while observing the rites of his worship, then he returned to his home on Mount Kailash. (SJ) ».

This citation is not exhaustive. So, I can complete: 
A horde of demons coming out of the fire was thrown at Shiva, he made of them one of his legions. He put on his hair the skull that those crazy hermits threw on him. The magic formulas chanted by the ascetics were changed into a trumpet from which arose a deafening sound: Shiva took it and made his conch. That's the reason for the dance of Nataraja and the symbols he holds in his hands when he performs it. In particular the Damaru, small drum that evokes time. Besides the hourglass, the Damaru reminds the double-edged ax, well known symbol of the labyrinth or the Dagaz rune.
Why Shiva leaves the Himalayas to divert these «wise men» from their austerities ? Because they practice sacrifices and think that by insulting, day after day, Shiva and his Goddesses and Gods, they will «conquer heaven». No human will never conquer heaven, because heaven is the Territory of the Gods. He can only be a guest. And certainly not by killing animals or even worse, «to try to please» Shiva ! Moreover, what says the Grand God before leaving them? To respect his rites (14), ie to end those of sacrificial kind ! 
Because, how is it possible to acquire CONSCIOUSNESS while behaving like a criminal? By showing enough stupidity to believe that killing the Life would please to the One who fully embodies it ?

There are also Shaivite «communities» and others which think that mutilating themselves and living a masochistic deprivation amounts to «follow the path of Shiva». What offense ! What a shame ! 
If Shiva understands, He urges to end these infamies!
But, this last sentence is missing in the «revealed» books. Of course. By the way, by whom were they largely «revealed» ?

Let's go further: 
One of these communities is that of the Sadhus in which several ways are possible, from the «easiest» one that teaches and accepts disciples dressed in saffron sheets to the hardest one of which I have just described some features. 
In general, the Sadhu is this «holy» being walking naked or barely clothed along the paths, covered with ashes, and who lives on food given by benevolent Indians. He says he is a renouncer. But why such an asceticism ? Where did Shiva require this ? And why does Shiva show himself like this while he is so beautiful, so radiant, with an aura shining on millions of kilometers ? Does he think necessary to «belittle» himself like this ?
«It's a test, you will say, you already explained it». 
A lot of things hide behind this «image». First of all, the Sadhus interpretation of one of Shiva's appearance and their personal choice to copy it to the extreme, without any common sense, is their own choice. Nowhere Shiva urges to such deprivation. NOWHERE. This is completely contrary to his temperament, to his vision of Life. 
But, the most important in this «image» of Shiva are the ashes. They not only symbolize the renunciation of illusory riches of this world that are burned by the renunciation of the «holy one» but the wild im-molation of the lost paradise, the world of Shiva - for now - destroyed and reduced to nothing by the evil ones, who only feed on our sorrows and tears (Kali Yuga).

I read, I do not remember where, that «the ashes of which Shiva is covered evoke the sublimated procreation. Shiva is the god of abstinence, the seed of the one who remains chaste is consumed by giving him a tremendous energy. Like him, the Sadhus, members of the sect of Shiva, rub their bodies with the ashes of funeral pyres». 
Note the seriousness of such statement. Contemporary statement, I stress again this point, far away from the pure authentic teachings of our Shiva. What do we read : 

1 - the sect of Shiva 
A sect ? In the West, especially in France, always afraid of its own shadow, this word is unacceptable. 
The words used for the translation draw an offensive veil over the ancient Shaivite reality, so we must be vigilant in the use of terms, especially in writing. Or we have to precisely define them in their specific context. No sect with Shiva. This is totally against his vision of freedom !

2 - a sublimated procreation... of the one who remains chaste. 
I have already answered to these nonsenses. 
Of course, during orgasm, it is essential to raise the energy along the spine to awaken Kundalini, but why preventing ejaculation ? Why should the seed be consumed ? 
«It exhausts and shortens the lives of men», will say some. 
Wrong. It's untrue. Even among the Taoists who refrain, none, to my knowledge, has lived much longer than a Westerner or an Easterner who does not retain. All these nonsenses always originate from the same malevolent source.

The difficulty of the secrets of Shaivism and of authentic Tantra, -in addition to their distortion- comes because they are often unfamiliar, unknown to the Western mindset, full of snap judgments, hereditary taboos and other archaic prejudices. All the words are differently understood in the West and in India. There is nothing in common between the East and the West, except since the last millennia (Kali Yuga), where suffering, genocide and disease are plethora. From wars to stagnation and depression, the Evil ones regularly pop the champagne for the greatest misfortune of the peoples. 
If I sum up :
• Shiva is abstinent but creates Humanity and the world. 
• Shiva is a mad and unbearable god, pleasure-seeker and player, yet eternal grand Yogi with a legendary discipline. 
• Shiva is a warrior, god of the Kshatriyas and yet lives apart in the Himalayas, enamored of Parvati and as unconcerned by our woes ...

Shiva is a complex God, I am the first to say and write it, however, saying everything and its opposite is not complexity but confusion or worse, inconsistency. 
It is important to clarify. 
For Shiva, sublimation means to act at several levels at the same time, consciously and for the better. For example, when he makes love with Parvati, he loves Parvati. But he also mates at other subtle levels of his Immense being with Life. This ecstatic mating with Life contributes to the creation of beings and worlds. Sublimating amounts to raise, to elevate to the highest possible level. It is therefore necessary to always specify what Shiva we are talking about. Is it about Shiva, our Creator, our Father, we contact via our rituals and homages, and thus relatively easily attainable?
Or do we talk about Shiva personifying Life in an unmatched and unparalleled way, and thereby more difficult to approach? 

Shiva embodies the highest cosmic aspect, the most sublime, the most powerful of all his other manifestations. Shiva contains in his very name and in each syllable, in each letter as well an invisible teaching about his origins, his innate talents, his gifts got through hard work and an iron will. 
Here are some excerpts taken from a preface written by Jean-Claude Carrière about Shiva, of which some points summarize some of my comments (bold characters are mine ): (15)
«We can neither describe nor narrate him. He is indescribable and unutterable. ... He is also the creator, he is the dancer and is the ascetic ... he is the resolution of opposites. ... He is the sharp and the ambiguous, he is water and fire. He is the fire that burns, the water that extinguishes fire. ... Under his most famous appearance (Nataraja, the god of dance and therefore of theatre), he stands on one foot at the centre of a universe surrounded by flames. He shows the drum of creation in one of his right hands, and the fire of destruction in one of his left hands. Everything that has been created will be destroyed. But let's not be frightened. He saved the Earth by stopping the Ganga river in its mad race, by imprisoning it in his hair in order to quieten it down. Without Shiva's hair, it would had been the deluge. 
This destroyer is a savior. 
He obviously does fear nothing. He has an alive cobra around his neck. He rides a bull with majestic testes.
And he is alive. There is no doubt on that point. 
... Curiously enough, the question of his «existence», which is so pernicious for all the gods, does not arise about him. ..

He is, and that is enough. He hides and shows up, he is attentive and unconcerned, he hits and caresses, he accepts all legends, he is amused by what is said about him, and even by what is not said. Death is only a passage, like life. Because he is Kâla, the Time which takes away and brings back all things, Shiva can do what he wants. 
We probably could meet him, still dancing and smiling ...» (16)

And when, finally after much effort and abnegation, we succeed to contact Shiva, to hear his blessed words, then we discover a God of love and joy, benevolent, welcoming, very peaceful and focused, attentive to his children, compassionate, strong, eternal, immortal warrior and healer, great magician, loving Love, great lover of Life. 

A last word about the citation I gave earlier : «the ashes of which Shiva is covered evoke the sublimated procreation. Shiva is the god of abstinence, the seed of the one who remains chaste is consumed by giving him a tremendous energy. Like him, the Sadhus, members of the sect of Shiva, rub their bodies with ashes of funeral pyres».

3 - the funeral pyres 
These pyres depict the inexorable end of cycles. Covering oneself with ashes suggests acceptance and also that of one's own vanishing, of one's own annihilation into the universal nothingness. Frankly this reminds Buddhism rather than ancient Shaivism ... As well all monotheistic religions where dust always returns to dust, or in the spiritual mode of Kali Yuga, everyone ends one's journey in the light that absorbs everything, the return to another form of dust ...Destruction, still destruction, always destruction, chants Kali Yuga ... I can't wait for Satya.

So «Shiva sadhu» is, at first, a form of provocation, and then a teaching. Shiva takes the appearance of the soul of the people to whom he appears, he tries to show them their level of consciousness and in what they are led astray. But who understands in these adverse times ? 
Shiva, in his great benevolence, accepts their «madness » and defends the sincere Sadhus. Every-thing can not be totally erased: we get traces of some of his words: 
«No one should condemn the naked ascetic who is my faithful, who expresses the principle of things, but acts as a child or a madman. No one will laugh at them or will tell them unpleasant words if one wishes them good now and later. The stupid man who condemns them, condemns me as well».(17)

In front of the carelessness of too many initiates, since four thousands years, Shiva says,«I am the soul of Yoga, by the magical power of Yoga, I will take the form of an ascetic and will inspire fear among men.
I will come into the body of a dead abandoned in a cemetery ... »
Shiva, again, provokes the human mind, the castes, the conventional people, the rigid people living lives without consciousness. Because Shiva loathes greedy people, pettiness of arrivistes, pride of social status. He condemns ignorance and strongly condemns laziness. Shiva abhors Conceit, source of all scandals, of all baseness and often, of all crimes. With him, the only chosen are the TRUE Sages who acquire Knowledge and practice it every day.

We are told that the Vedas were written four or five centuries before or just after A.D, by a sage. Very recent texts. The same goes for the Puranas, very recent legends. Many of these writings underwent «insertions» since the beginning of our era. This explains that so many misconceptions, wrong practices, misguided choices pave our lives on the entire planet. Most of these documents were written by men for men, not by our Gods for their children.
Where are the billions of teachings of our Goddesses and our Gods which were compiled under the leadership of the Egyptian Ibis god, Thot ? (18) 
Thot was Ganesh (19) in India. Ganesha, elephant god, who wrote the Mahabharata. Because he felt the urgency of these writings and no means of writing was nearby, he broke one of his tusks and used it as pen. This is why Ganesh is often represented with a broken tusk. 

Our Goddesses and Gods are builders of Civilizations, writers and guardians of visible and invisible Knowledge from here and elsewhere, and lovers of Life and Liberty.
Many of our very ancient writings, dating back hundreds of thousands of years are hidden on Earth, others were carried away by our Gods. So when I read books written by «experts» who, arrogantly, say that our world began at Sumer, as if the writing appeared from nowhere five thousands years ago, I say to myself that we are heading for trouble because of illogicality and ignorance under the guise of knowledge. Especially because this chronology, which was made up, starts the beginning of Kali Yuga and the arrival on Earth of very unpleasant realities.
Marduk asked me to insist on these fundamental points, including the serious damage inflicted on our Father Shiva. Whatever name by which he is called; Ea, Enki, Ptah, Atum, Wakan Tanka, Odin, Tyr, Rudra, Tangaroa and many others, never the truth is said about him. And for good reason. We are always told of the same tiresome excesses: madness, magic, sacrifice, lust, etc., etc. 
It is true that in the monotheistic religions, only love counts and that the lamb already sleeps for a long time between the paws of the wolf. Just look around us to see how «god» and his «only son» work for our happiness. Yes, we live on Earth in an eternal paradise, everywhere we celebrate peace and joy. Tolerance, compassion and friendship are spread all around the globe. No war, no repression, no misery, no disease. Just bliss, just sound and equitable prosperity. Of course…

If in the East, except for Communists, soul, chakras, yoga, kototama, meditation and many more do not surprise anyone; in the West, the Invisible is systematically disparaged, mocked, called to be a sect, manipulation and sick state of mind. But as always, it is the one who says who is. 
All the monotheistic religions expressly forbid any relationship with the Invisible and its related fields, because of fear. God who is so invincible, so powerful, so omniscient, creator of Heaven and Earth (can you imagine), this great thing is afraid of a Shaivite yogi, a visionary or a healer. This does not make you wonder ? It does, in my opinion, and for a very long time. 

Shiva teaches us when he suddenly appears from nowhere like a «sadhu». He warns us against dirty money, against the vanities of this world, against the illusion of social position. The only truth for him: self-development, remembering the identity of our true Father, uniting body, soul and mind. A mind that is free of limitations and constraints imposed by the demonic world in which we are agonizing.
On purpose, no one, unless if one has private means, can dedicate full time to yoga and meditation. One must «earn one's living». But changing one's state of mind remains possible. Stopping excessive consumerism, stopping the degeneration of the body that has become an object, the degeneration of the mind that has become manipulated, implanted, the degeneration of the soul which is denied. 
This is what says Shiva to us. Returning to the basics, to the true values, his values of which I have already spoken at length here, in my other books, on the website. 
From a certain point of view, giving up these poisoned glitter makes us become «ascetics». Of course we can work, earn money, but not at any price, not in contempt of lives, not in contempt of the planet. We must act the best way possible in the world in which we survive. And awake as many people as possible to his truth, demands Shiva.

Although I walked away a little bit from my goal, Dionysus, all this is crucial. So I will conclude with this excerpt. (20)

«That's why Odin represents the one who wanders along the dark moors, lookout who waits and hopes new and original understandings. That's why, finally, under his representation of Shiva, one of the most powerful of the shaivite magical act is the work and confrontation with one's shadow.

Besides, Odin does he not wear the perfect costume during these wanderings, where only the Wind whispers great secrets to him, where only the rustling of leaves teaches him, where the gentle and steady rolling of the ocean enfolds his soul with a constantly renewed sea-foam ? 

Supposedly blind, his head protected by a wide-brimmed hat that hid an intense gaze, wrapped up in a black or blue cape, yes, Odin wanders. Because the wandering represents everything, in these realms of eternal quest.

We have to be careful with the meaning given to that term. Wandering does not mean to move aimlessly like a ship without a rudder. Here, wandering symbolizes the great journey of initiation. No route is determined in advance, for sure. Because this journey, that of the soul, immense and slow quest, obliges the Self to grow, to evolve, to gain knowledge, to search, to assimilate and then to teach and pass on, even if it is about the Self of Odin . Our Gods embody the elite of the Galaxy because they never cease to grow, to search. This is an endless journey.

This «dark» aspect of Ea-Odin has inspired many characters, now settled into the collective unconscious of Humanity. For example, let's think to Gandalf, Merlin, to Wisdom that moves a staff in hand, equivalent of the Djed of Ptah, of risen Kundalini, of the Uas, invisible mount of any Chaman from which springs the creator and fertilizing fire.»

Here we are! 
Under these three sacred names Shiva, Osiris, Dionysus, the same god, EA.
A figure is constantly coming up in the Shaivite teaching, especially in Yoga, 108. This figure sealed somehow the presence of Shiva. Figure 8 draws the serpent rising to infinity while figure 1 welcomes it as support and reminds the inescapable Djed / Phallus / spine. Figure 0 refers to the belly of the Great Mother, the Primordial Noun or the Great Yoni. In addition, 108 gives 9, if we add 1 and 8. 
Evidently sacred for our Goddesses and our Gods, 9 is the figure of Immortality. 
Dionysus teaches the 108 rites of ecstasy. 
Osiris, the 108 rites of immortality. 
Shiva, the 108 rites that open to Consciousness, to Power, to Force, to occult powers. In a word, Kundalini.
EA contains all in himself. 
And the Phallus exists in the three stories of these three sacred names, as I have already mentioned in the previous chapters. 

Dance, song, sound, ecstasy, enthusiasm, joy, celebration, descending into one's depths to better rise to the heights of the Gods bring together again Shiva-Nataraja, Osiris the joyful and Dionysus, god of wine, vineyards and rapture.

So, when I will speak about Dionysus in this chapter, I will evoke at the same time Shiva and Osiris. No separation possible with this nominal Trinity.

The first thing is to properly understand the importance of movement. Life is movement, immobility is death. This does not mean that we have to dance and move up to exhaustion. It has nothing in common with restlessness, nervousness or hyperactivity. The movement such as passed on by our Gods, source of flexibility, fluidity, adaptability, longevity must always be part of our everyday life.

Indeed, this Movement (dance, yoga, tantra), so encouraged by our Gods, transcends and becomes the celestial staircase. Towards them. 
This call, this impetus towards them, this homage create enthusiasm. Here a key word.

Enthusiasm (21): «from greek enthousiasmos, meaning «divine transport», «divine possession», formed by the verb enthousiazein «to be inspired by the divinity». It is a derivative from the adjective enthous, contracted form of entheos «animated by a divine transport», consisting of in «in(within)» and theos «god», ie, god in oneself».

Let's continue 
« In the XVIth century, the word is used with the value of the etymon. In the sense of «sacred rapture which seized the interpreter of the divinity» (the enthusiasm of the Pythia). ... Then this term has lost its original strength, in the ordinary language...», explains the author.

You will have understood that this «possession» has nothing in common with the current sense of the term: body inhabited by an evil spirit. This story of demonic possession, explains Alain Rey (1), appeared with the case of the Ursulines of Loudun and the trial of Urbain Grandier in 1632-1634. At the time of Inquisition. An Inquisition that really existed and killed millions of innocent people across the European territory and up to the Scottish borders. 
Originally, this term (possession) meant to feel deep down in one's heart a being greater than oneself. A kind of channeling, before time. 
India confirms once again this point, thousands of years before Shiva was called «Dionysus».

«The Supreme Lord (Shiva) secretly insinuates himself into the human body and settles into it». Utpaladeva (2)

Feeling the blessed energy of Dionysus in oneself, abandoning oneself to his «possession » in response to the dance, the music, the singing, the jubilation create the state of rapture, elation and why not, ecstasy. This benevolent power touches profoundly the entire being and has to do with an apotheosis of senses and emotions. Certainly not an inveterate alcoholism that would foster a totally destructive addiction. In this, the image conveyed by the Romans of an obese Bacchus with a drunken face is a scandal and an unforgivable insult. What ignorance, what perfidy. Rooting within us a loathsome image of our Father, is this not the best way to keep us away from Him, as always, as usual ???

So, the Dionysian rites are primarily aimed to let go, to total relaxation in order to encourage the physical and subtle opening of the whole being to the vibrations and energy of dance, songs, sounds, and other NOBLE divine techniques. 
So, we must enter into a conscious trance, not wild and uncontrolled. Just a conscious trance, an expansion of consciousness produced by dance, music and songs.
At the time of our Gods, wine (24) still embodied the blood of the Earth, it opened any rite and closed them. As an indispensable tribute to Mother Earth, purveyor of so many benefits. No drinking session: who could dance dead drunk, and then remember everything, when slept it off. The Gods abhor addictions as they lead to self-abandonment and to the betrayal of others. Always, sooner or later. 
Moreover, as to confirm my words, Bacchus, derivative of bakkeios means «trance». 
Once again, let's listen to Alain Rey (25) 
«The use of the word to describe the state of a person in a state of magnetic or hypnotic sleep (1891, Huysmans, 1862 trance) is a borrowing to the English trance, dating back to the Old french transe; trance was already used in the Middle Age with the meaning of «dream, ecstasy» (1245) in particular in the field of love».

You notice that all these terms constantly bring us back to one and only truth or understanding: entering an extra-ordinary state in order to come into contact with the world of the Gods. Dance, singing, music call the Gods, facilitate the joy, openness and love for them and for ourselves.

So the movement allows a trance, an ecstasy that creates a deep bond, especially if it is repeated, with our Gods. 

Still according to Alain Rey (26) 
The term «Bacchanalia», nowadays more than spoiled, represented in the old days the organization of celebrations dedicated to Dionysus (Dionisus in Greek). It originates from bac, baccos, the container, the vessel, the boat, etc. The substantive verbal of bacchari «celebrating Bacchus» took the meaning of preparing the wine in a container for the rites of Bacchus-Dionysus. 
A forgotten sense of this «root» that is yet essential in my opinion : pelvis. Our pelvis where are the first two chakras, very involved in dance and music.
On the other hand, dance means legs in motion. The legs drain the telluric energy of Mother Earth, especially if dancing encourages to hit the Earth (African dance) and so, nourishes the first three chakras. For their part, the upper chakras feed on the energy of the Gods, especially of Dionysus coming down to us and inhabiting us with beneficial and liberating energies through the physical body without which none of this would be possible. Hence the crucial importance of keeping it in good health, free from destructive addiction.

Let's read together Alain Danielou (27): (bold characters are mine) 
«The dance, in which rhythm is part of the vital mechanisms of Man, is a very important instrument for the direct contact with the supernatural powers. ... 

So, we find the use of soniferous forms, and in particular of musical forms at the basis of all relationships of Man with the Sacred, whether fundamental forms which have a direct psycho-physiological action on Human Being (and at the same time an evocative power, an action on the supernatural forces with which they allow to establish contact) ... »

I would add to what Alain Daniélou says that this contact takes place for anyone who adopts the values of our Gods, especially of Shiva, and for anyone whose Consciousness is already present. Because indeed, to expand Consciousness, it is necessary to already have one ! 
Consciousness is acquired and developed here on Earth for the incarnated ego. Consciousness is not born with the baby, far from it. Consciousness is nestled in the original soul, in embryo. It will grow or wither, depending on the choice of each. This detestable world survives because it's a pool of beings without consciousness.

Dionysus favorite instruments are: 
• drum 
• tambourine with jingle cymbals 
• harp 
• lyre 
• zither
• sistrum of Egypt 
• all percussions 
and other instruments. 

Let's continue : (bold characters are mine ). 
«The soniferous complexes used to create a sacred atmosphere originate from the oldest prehistoric cultures. ...The use of gongs and drums in Laos, India, or South China, the use of sarvavadyam (when all instruments resonate all together) in the temples of South India, the use of Tibetan horns, that of a battery of drums, of bells at the peak moments of rites are remnants of this very ancient tradition which requires that a soniferous environment creates a tension that helps the contact with the supernatural and chases away evil spirits. »(28)

These instruments were used in the Dionysian rites but also in the theatre, with dance or not. Indeed, for our Gods, and especially for Shiva-Dionysus, the Theatre (29) is one of the most founding activities, the most unifying and the most healing. Neither dance nor music nor singing can be separated from Theatre. They form an inseparable whole. Even if the plays were not always sung, our Gods created sound effects, composed musics that accompanied the story, giving it strength and power. For predisposed persons working on their energy structure, the sensitivity to sound increases, like also the related perceptions. We have well understood that the repetition of specific rhythms leads most of the time to trance states that open to the supernatural. These states are healthy because conscious and placed under the protection of the Gods.

In the past and this, obviously, remains relevant, the Dionysian rites allowed the evacuation of stress, of pain, and of endured suffering. These highly selected rites were decided by Dionysus while evil hands were appropriating the Earth. So it was a fun form of healing, highly efficient and liberating. Dionysus by entering into each Bacchant (participants of rites) helped to transcend diseases and sufferings. 

He showed to the Humans of yesteryear (far more open than today) that the Gods were still very present in our daily lives and NEVER our true Father Shiva-Dionysus-Osiris would abandon us.
The trance state created by the sacred dances and music (under Dionysus protection) not only unifies us to the Gods but also hits the internal energy nodes that are crystallized into our subtle bodies, and which gradually disappear under the authority of the sounds and movements. So, we have come full circle. By trance we enter a joy state, a jubilation state, we feel within us a new freedom, we experience an energy boost. The synthesis of these feelings is enthusiasm: welcoming Dionysus within ourselves. 
The entry into trance takes place only because of the endless repetition of the same movement or the succession of movements.
«The movement of the body is the mantra of the mind», always says Marduk. 
Besides, the physical body rarely remains insensible to music. How often have we tapped our feet in rhythm, without almost realizing it, listening to a lively music? How many times have we started to dance or laugh, just because the music was associated with happy memories ? 
The body, precious and sacred container of all our memories of this life and of the previous ones, knows all our experiences since the dawn of time. 

In the process of clearing crystallizations, the group plays a major role. Our Goddesses and Gods like dance, music and singing because they link all individuals into a united entity. So, the group becomes an egregore that is dedicated to Dionysus, which, through its healing rites allowed and still allows fundamental healing. The sounds, the dance, the singings, the vibrations uttered by the group, its vibrational field facilitate the dissolution of disturbing memories. 

Besides, we were aware of this for a long time, before the life of villages and small towns was destroyed. Village festivals were frequent, where folk dances and theatre groups animated the life of these microsocieties. This way of communicating, of uniting people together, of encouraging authentic solidarity has disappeared. In some places, some of these activities are waking up a little bit, but the energy of this world is pulling us down so much that they are not healing anymore without our Gods. 
Accordingly, dance is a divine rite, song a divine tribute, music a divine communion. 
Here, the state of being human finds all its meaning : a bridge, a channel between heaven and earth ? Better yet: an inalienable bond between Shiva-Dionysus and his human children.

Anyone who has any real interest in the impact of music on human being knows perfectly well that percussions directly act on the first chakras. And moreover, the drum is the instrument of the heart. It reproduces his beats. If one adjusts the beats of the drum to the beats of the heart, an immense relaxation takes place. And the opening of consciousness can begin. 
The damaru, small drum shaped like an hourglass that Shiva holds in his hand, then makes sense. It is not only about symbolism of the time elapsing but about the Creation of the world. A world that is created at the beat of the drum of Shiva, in perfect fusion with the Tandava, his sacred dance. One day, I read the following verse:
«When Dionysus will guide, the Earth will dance».
For sure : back to Eden. The Earth ruled by such a God, can you imagine ... we already hear the laughter and the celebrations are in full swing. Listen ! Do you hear? Drums and tambourines ? Flutes and cymbals ? Do you breathe this planetary jubilation ? I can't wait!

Dionysus descriptions remind those of Shiva, or even Odin or Ea. 
He is the Radiant, the Joyful, he masters fire and lightning. In a way, he appears horned like Pan and like Shiva, in another way. All of them wear on the head the crescent moon, no matter how. In fact, they call the energies of the Mother, Mother-Earth, the Great Mother, the Grand Yin. Nothing good can emerge from anything if the Yin is missing to the Creation, be it small, be it insignificant. 
Creating, living, requires intuition, feeling, emotion, attentive listening. 
Therefore you can understand what happens during a Dionysian initiation rite. 
Dionysus awakens the tree within us, the tree we are, with our roots judiciously planted in Mother Earth and our seventh chakra, judiciously connected to «heaven». This Yggdrasil plays the role of an elevator, or more exactly it contains it. 
The energy of the God who manifests himself goes down within us, comes up again, inhabits us, pampers us, loves us. In a way, Dionysus is a chthonian god because of this descent into our Depths, a kind of psychopomp god emerging intact from our unconscious, our realities, our bodies, and finally from Life itself embodied every time in a unique and prodigal way.
That is why Shiva and Dionysus are one. Both destroy suffering, «evil», obsolete ties, old stories, old rancours, old torments, fears, except that their catharsis is playful, gentle or intense, light or deep, but ultimately, accomplished. 
Shiva surrounds himself with a Serpent, Dionysus with ivy and also wraps it around pillars and columns, «mineral manifestations» of the Lingam. Because as Kundalini or to evoke it. 
By the grace of Dionysus, we experience the Descent, the one I have already spoken at length about Hades. (30) 
Here, we become Kenaz, there Eihwaz.

No doubt you will ask yourself, why ivy. 
Is it not a sterile plant? In fact, ivy complements vine or rather the grapes it provides at will. Here the Yin, cold, worrying and yet so desirable, there the Yang, solar, electric, tasty. 
Exactly like Shiva is surrounded by the Cobra, cold, wet, worrying, and yet so fascinating ; and there by the flame, the great Fire, destructive if we are not careful, and yet so warm, so healing. It is equivalent to the sun. 
Here we are again facing Life in its fullness: Yin and Yang, solar and lunar, cold and hot, etc. Another way of talking about terrestrial and chthonic sun, the one that shines above and the one that shines below. The Sun here, Pluto there. Same fight, so to speak: the metamorphosis. For Dionysus, this term means the transformation from the inside with an outside help.

Let's come back to the symbolism linked to Dionysus. Dionysus, say the Greeks, was born from flames. His mother, while pregnant with him, was consumed by the lightning of Zeus (always very kind !!). Hermes (Thot) saved the child and gave him to Zeus who locked him in his thigh until his birth. Huuhh…

Robert-Jacques Thibaud wrote these sentences about Dionysus : 
«Lame god, or Bromius, the roaring, the boisterous son of Zeus and Semele, Dionysus is also called the twice-born because he was killed and put into pieces by the Titans on the order of Hera. From his blood shed on the floor was born the pomegranate tree of which a seed allowed the marriage of Persephone and Hades, and the continuity of life and growing cycles. ... Having traced him, Hera made him mad, and since then, Dionysus travels the world followed by satyrs holding the thyrsus stick topped with a pine cone around which surrounds an ivy stem. Besides the grapes, the pomegranate tree (fructification in the Hereafter), ivy (symbol of eternity) and the pine cone (terrestrial fructification), deer and bull were the most common attributes of Dionysus».(31 )

A few reminders 
• Lame = Hephaestus = Ea 
• Dismemberment = Osiris 
• The bull = the Ka of Ptah, Shiva mounts Nandi, the sacred cow-bull, etc. 
• The snake, here forgotten. The snake has always been the highest possible level of initiation as it opens to the immortality of the flesh and not just to the eternity of the soul. Hence its special place around Shiva's neck. 
Why ? Because the snake is a «chthonic» animal. Psychopomp, deeply connected to Mother Earth on which it stretches out, rubs and caresses when it moves. The snake embodies the security of the major cycles, of the Life that never dies. Thus, Vishnu sleeps on Ananda, the great cosmic serpent.
So, is this snake, chthonic or cosmic? Both, because if the snake raises, with the Earth for support, it becomes the great Djed that touches the sky ... Another sacred Lingam ... 

In another vein, you will notice how many legends and myths about Dionysus or Shiva induce, and systema-tically claim his supposedly madness. Of course, a powerful God who loves his children, creativity, originality, freedom, life, music, dance, love, abundance ... can only be mad. In truth, he has everything to displease «the system». Shiva laughs at all this, even he provokes appearing more «mad» to the one who defies him.
So I will deliberately put aside the historical aspect of the mythology of Dionysus of which the huge part, from his filiation to his experience, is pure fancy. But a pernicious fancy, which spreads through the centuries ignominious words. The usual inversion, and as always, «this is the one who says who is».

Still a few lines (32): (bold characters are mine) 
«Dying, being fragmented and becoming one again before being reborn, illustrates the Eternal Return and the cycle of vegetation. Thus, the grain of wheat becomes an ear, multiplies and becomes again ONE grain, renewing the process, while the rest of the crop is dispersed throughout the world. 
For this role of giver of life, Dionysus is called Plutodotès».
The name «Pluto-dotes» will probably surprise you. In Latin, Pluto means «the rich», it is, indeed, about Pluto-Hades. So, the link between Dionysus, life and death is clearly demonstrated. Osiris perfectly complements this trinary portrait. 

Osiris, resurrected, loved and celebrated god, who grants growth and ease, who likes to laugh and dance, Osiris the Ancient, the Great among the Great Ones..

Other fables follow Dionysus to trace. For example, he would urge his followers to laziness, idleness, with always a full glass of wine in hand and a tasty honey pot in the other. 
Dionysus is Shiva. Does he really give the impression of a god who encourages indolence, listlessness and apathy, source of so many evils? I will let you judge.

Dionysus invites us to enjoy Life, cleverly, without endangering oneself. Deeply generous, he urges the sharing. Life, Nature that is so abundant, so prolific, shows us the way. But, as always with the Gods, both good and evil ones indeed, a pact is necessary. A tie. A necessity. A duty, I would say. To meet Dionysus, to feel him, to see him perhaps, one must take the path of ecstasy. 
Nothing is ever free with Nature. Even Life requires us to breathe. Nothing can exist without the effort of feeding oneself. Always give-and-take. 
Any contact with a Goddess or a God, any entrance in his/her egregore requires a commitment, an initiation, a «baptism». This applies everywhere and to any period, the recipient must be enthroned.

Dionysus, «giver of life», sustainer god is a great shaman, like Odin and Shiva, a mage with immeasurable power. The ecstasy of Dionysus and his 108 rites lead the human soul to powerful heights, in a word to ancient shamanism, hence the importance of drums and tambourines. 
As for orgies, they only existed in the frustrated fantasies of Anu and his henchmen.

The practice of Tantra is -at least- light years of pitiful sexual orgies. This sacred practice is the counterpart of Yoga. 
Let's read again Alain Daniélou who, right in the middle of a judeo-christianized Shaivism, suddenly writes (bold characters are mine) 
«The Shaivite Hatha Yoga is associated with magical rites of Tantrism, with the Yogi taking control of the subtle plan by which is developed his physical and mental body ... It is the body as a whole that becomes the instrument of achieving superior powers of knowledge and surpassing the limits of the visible world. This is by exploring the innermost parts of the body, by developing the powers it conceals that the Hatha Yogi manages to transgress the laws of nature.» (33) 
How far we are of fleeting matings, pathetic moans, corruption of the body and therefore of the soul. 
Tantra is sacred. Nobody succeeds without being Yogi and Yogini first.

So, from research to understandings, from feelings to contacts, from truths to evidences, Joy, Love and Liberty emerge from the world of Shiva, from our Goddesses and our Gods, whatever their names. Neither epoch nor time, nor hardness with Shiva, just a long calm,
fertile and blessed river that spreads everywhere health and blessing, power and equanimity. The powerful beauty of Shiva-Osiris-Dionysus lies in this constant generosity in manifestation of «opposites» to better unify with this so desired Consciousness.
Shiva embodies the culmination of Life as a perfection that immediately works towards new quests. 

A big breath here, a terrible silence there, a golden age here, hell there, Life never dies. Shiva either. Who could extinguish the sacred Consciousness without extinguishing with it? 
Life constantly ascends towards more subtleties. 
The Essence of all things praised to the skies ... A Life always discovering itself. And a sumptuous Being of Wisdom, Love and Power always ready to experiment with it. A blaze of Desire, an eternal passion, a wise passion for Life, and so could we barely sketch a first draft of Shiva ...

• •

(1) the specific meaning of this word is explained in the book Les Runes d’Ea - EaShiva Editions
(2) think of Hephaestus -Vulcan
(3) be careful with the meaning of this word : for most people, it means «to be in pain with». For Shiva and our Gods, this word means «to accompany, to move forward on the path with». 
The difference is crucial and must be kept in mind. No «way of the cross» with our Gods, nor possible crucifixion in order to save a Humanity who, besides, asked for nothing. The suffering excludes itself from the primordial Shaivite world because not welcomed, nor revered, nor sustained.
(4) other symbol of the Mother-Goddesses 
(5) A parallel can be made here with the abstinence imposed to the priests and nuns in Catholicism, so that they remain far away from the Lingam and Yoni.
(6) think about Irminsul, Yggdrasil, the tree of Life, etc.
(7) Don't forget that the name of Goddess Kâli has nothing in commun with Kali Yuga
(8) Besides, according Alain Rey, this word means in the first place «to practice», to engage in an activity, to shape, to mould, to work material. Its real origin is unknown. The notion of limitation applies only since hardly a few centuries. 
Dictionnaire historique de la langue française - page 226
(9) other name for Parvati
(10) La légende immémoriale du Dieu Shiva Le Shiva Purana translated par Tara Michael - Editions Gallimard.
(11) Shiva Purana.
(12) I specify, so that things are clear, that today all Brahmins are not hostile to Shiva, only a «substantial» part.
(13) Shiva Nataraja à Chidambaram - «Divinités indiennes», deux albums de 195 illustrations - Sud de l'Andhra Pradesh (au nord de Madras), limitrophe du Karnataka, vers 1720-1730
Bibliothèque nationale de France, département des Estampes et de la Photographie, OD-40 PET FOL - Cat. RH 293a(6)
(14) I refer here to the ancient shaivite rites, not to the present distortion..
(15) Shiva by Marie-Luce Barazer-Billoret and Bruno Dagens - Editions Gallimard.
(16) Do not confuse with Kâli : Shiva-Kâla is the time elapsing, that comes and goes ; Kâli is the Goddess OF Times, she puts an end to the obsolete Times. Her action is to allow the passage from one cycle to another. Kâli, when the times comes, will «swallow» what is left of Kali Yuga, so that Satya Yuga will fully deploy. This is one of the reasons why she «dances on Shiva». She does not dominate him. On the contrary, she continues his work. So, Kâla (Shiva) 
«stops» and «waits» for the birth of the new cycle permitted by Kâli.
(17)  Linga Purana - booklet I
(18) see the book Ea, Orion et nous - EaShiva Editions
(19) under the name Ganesh, two Gods : Thot et Marduk.
(20) See the book Les Runes d'Ea - EaShiva Editions
(21) Dictionnaire historique de la langue française - A. Rey - p 1251
(22) Dictionnaire historique de la langue française - A.Rey page 2866
(23) Shaivite philosopher of Kashmir who lived in the 10th century. Abhinavagupta was his student and became also master of Yoga and Tantra, musician and poet. Later, he led astray towards buddhism and jainism. 
(24) and not the present beverage, most of the times full of sulfates 
(25) Dictionnaire historique de la langue française page 3892
(26) Dictionnaire historique de la langue française - page 285
(27) Origines et Pouvoirs de la musique - Editions Kailash -
(28) Origines et Pouvoirs de la musique - Alain Daniélou - éditions Kailash
(29) see the book Ea, Orion et nous - C.Bright - EaShiva Editions
(30) See the book Les Runes d'Ea - EaShiva Editions
(31) Dictionnaire de mythologie et de symbolique grecque - Dervy p. 215
(32) Dictionnaire de mythologie et de symbolique grecque - Dervy p.215
(33) Le destin du monde d'après la traditions shivaïte - Albin Michel

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And now, you will find here the translation in spanish. Thanks to D.R who made the translation for all the spanish-speaking people all around the world.   

SHIVA - Dionysos-Osiris or the Sacred Delices - Introduction - Part 1

To Shiva, 
Pure Consciousness, 
Absolute Wisdom, 
Infinite Love, 
Unmatched Power, 
With all my devotion. 

This book is a brief approach of Shiva and Dionysus, and of the importance of dance and sounds in our lives. 
All types of music are not good to listen because they attack our subtle bodies by their respective frequency. Others are healing. The same goes for the dance, especially when these practices are experienced under the protection of our Gods and Goddesses. And above all, of Shiva-Dionysus, of course.
I did not get to the bottom of things deliberately. Too many explanations generate just as many questions, and in this case, nothing can replace a direct contact with the teacher.

Although few in number, this book is mainly dedicated to my students rather than to novices who might not grasp the depth of these writings and their noble 
spiritual significance. The words always resonate differently in the ears of each and the personal filters may help to misunderstand the facts. Hence the limited edition of this book.

Other books will be written about Yoga and so many other aspects of our Goddesses and Gods. Thousands of encyclopediae will never succeed in describing them entirely. Their immense consciousness remains inaccessible to us. Above all, the words are missing, as also the ability of our brain to comprehend them. 
Shiva, God of the Gods, is nevertheless inscribed in our memories for anyone who really wants to dive into. One will emerge amazed by such glory blessed by the Life, and will grasp the importance of His return on Earth soon, with the coming of Satya Yuga.

Glory to Shiva, Wonder of Wonders, and to all our Goddesses and Gods.

Part One
Destroyer of the suffering 

«They will come back these gods 
you endlessly weep ! 
Time will bring back the order 
of the ancient days; 
The earth has shuddered of 
a prophetic breath …»
Gérard de Nerval 

Since a very long time, everywhere on Earth, arise the same symbols, the same epics, the same understandings. Only names change through deviations of pronunciation, differences of representation. Nevertheless, they stand firm and fixed somewhere in the collective consciousness of Humanity, rightfully sure of the return of the True Light.

At the time of the Ancient Goddesses and Gods that the church, full of its usual wickedness, has called «pagans» or even worse «demons», a single language, a unique meaning of values allowed a profound solidarity between the peoples of Earth, while remaining free and healthy individuals. No outrageous nationalism, no war created on purpose, no state terrorism. Just Goddesses, Gods and their children (us), all of them loving Life, happy and at peace. (1) 

Beyond all these Great Beings, a very special God, ancient, complex, multiple, original, libertarian, joyful, great musician, great dancer, in fact great in everything, surpassing by far in wisdom and power the other Goddesses and Gods all together : SHIVA, the Benevolent. Shiva and his thousand eight names, Shiva and his thousand eight metamorphoses. 
Knowing Shiva, perceiving him, feeling him in oneself, all around oneself, is the only way, -at least for me-, that leads to the Truth, the Knowledge, the Freedom of the Body, Soul and Mind, far away from an intellectual orthodoxy outrageously imposed on the entire planet, now mindless, ignorant and almost without any consciousness. 

Shiva solves everything, explains everything, reaches all the human depths, extracts us after many tests and initiations from the present mire, in order to raise us to the great Heights, where everything always remains immaculate. 
«Really ? would say some, this god Shiva nicknamed «the destroyer»? Yes, Shiva is the destroyer, BUT the destroyer of Evil and of all the suffering that goes hand in hand with. 
Curiously, this essential detail is missing in numerous texts. The «destroyer» worries. If we restore the truth, then the «destroyer of evil» reassures. Shiva is Satya, Eternal Truth. A notion of truth absolutely and fundamentally inherent to this grand God. Besides, his Era, the Satya Yuga, means «Age of Truth». 

Marduk once told me : 
«Shiva is Satya, Shiva is the Truth because the Truth is the Light of the Spirit, the deep Essence of the Being. Thus, Shiva inhabits the one who seeks, guides the one who goes up, welcomes the one who accomplishes oneself.»

Yoga, taking all branches together (Hatha, Kundalini, Yin ...) originates from Shiva. This Yoga, which connects and unifies, is the ignition key, the engine and the speed. A stationary speed, a silent movement, a powerful or inaudible breathing. With a strong preference for Kundalini Yoga whose depths prove to be unfathomable, just as the Grand Cosmic Yogi himself: Shiva.
Shiva, through Yoga, allows Humanity to benefit from an Art of the body and soul that keeps her away from diseases, imposed sufferings and limitations. Much more yet, the profound teaching of the Shaivite Yoga shows the path to the just rebellion, to the vision beyond the veil. Before withdrawing himself, Shiva has abandoned for whom would want to nourish oneself, heaps of texts, images, symbols, teachings and other monuments where every letter, every line, every stone evoke the TRUE SHAIVISM, not that of today, unfortunately led astray by Buddhism, Islam and countless manipulations, when it is not totally made up.
And what can we say about the «fast food Yoga», when one becomes a certified teacher in twenty eight days without ever entering the Pranayama and let alone the high values of Shiva, Himself VERY anterior to the contemporary Hinduism. As I will often repeat it.

In particular since the Vedas, Shaivism, because of the experts, translators and other «masters», tends towards monotheism. These Vedas would date back about three thousand years, but were compiled and written by the sage Vyasa, thousand years later. These Vedas and their multitude of rules were orally transmitted by the caste of Brahmins.
On the other hand, the public as the secrets teachings of Shiva are lost in the mists of time, so much their ancientness seems to be incommensurable. This is why vigilance is required when bringing credit to certain texts that are transmitted, translated and written by the highest caste of India. No doubt that it had an interest in the multiplication of rites and in the major spreading of the concept of Karma. Not to mention the excessive importance granted to their function. Killing a Brahmin is unforgivable, because representative of the Gods on Earth and dispenser of Knowledge. Ok. But it appears that, according to the original tradition, the Shaivite one, Life is sacred, be it that of a Brahmin, of an untouchable or of a «foolish man».
In some translations of the Vedas, we find the judeo-christian-sounding words «sin», «atonement», «penance». Karma relentlessly knocks out souls and minds. There is even now a «karma yoga». 
Born from recent Hinduism, karma does not exist in immemorial Shaivism because opposed to logic, compassion and, above all, to consistency with the worldview of Shiva, and of the teaching to pass on to his children and faithful. Moreover, Hinduism does not know Shiva. This strange but very powerful God was gradually integrated into the Vedas via Rudra, and his other names and aspects. Because Shiva makes conformists' blood freeze. It would be unfair to write here that all Brahmins are bad or «anti-Shiva» but many fear him and turn away from Him. Shiva does not recognize the castes. Hinduism, as known in the West, has nothing in common with ancient Shaivism. Nothing at all. This Hinduism is a religion that contains the same problems, the same weaknesses, the same injustices as the others. Karma, boomerang, sanction, atonement, sin, threatening gods, petty squabbling...
None of this originates from Shiva. NOTHING
I will repeat and repeat it. And besides, if one sin has to exist in ancient Shaivism, it would be that of doing nothing, of practicing nothing, of understanding nothing, of refusing any authentic evolution, wasting finally the wonderful presence of Shiva in oneself.
A wonderful presence which in the face of ignorance, laziness and refusal of any open-mindedness will leave the being for others more fruitful horizons. Here is how to spoil the seeds of Consciousness and never achieve any height, except that of the prevailing stupidity, of the corrupted «spiritual fast food» and of the absence to oneself.
India of today, and of the recent centuries in its entirety, is not of Shiva or any of our Gods and Goddesses. This India with castes, where nearly five hundred millions human beings roam without subsistence level, without toilets or drain-sewage, without any hygiene or respect from the wealthy, does not belong to our Gods and Goddesses for whom solidarity, cleanliness, freedom and self-worth are the foundations of any civilization.

Two Indias currently coexist: that of Mohenjo-Daro that proves, by its ruins and foundations, the existence of a public sewage system, centers of welfare and a serene organization of life without stress or unhealthy competition, and the other, contemporary where grime spreads its tentacles into the smallest corners of the everyday life of everyone.
But only in India you can shout your love for Shiva, Vishnu or Krishna without any fear, or you can go dressed as you like. But that liberty hides many horrors.(2)

One more word about «karma», perfect equivalent of the thriving christian teaching «through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault».
The concept of castes intended by birth -and thus by «god»- creates poverty and submission from generation to generation of the Untouchables (the Dalits) to the upper castes. This submission is rooted in a terrifying inevitability: karma.
Shiva declares himself official enemy of the caste system and of all the wealthy of the country who use the poverty of the Untouchables to force them to slavery. Shiva abhors this conceitedness, this smugness due to «birth», from father to son. This is the work of Evil: the poor in the service of the wealthy, without any hope for evolution or change. An untouchable remains an untouchable, even when he successfully studies. The caste of birth can never be erased.
Shiva strongly condemns any exploitation of human being everywhere on Earth. Anu’s system poisons the world for too long, not just in India. Castes, social classes, string-pulling, negotiations behind the scenes, backroom deal-making, no matter the words.

Only a few families hold in their hands almost the entire global wealth. For them, the human race is just livestock. 
Anu, in his great work of systematic inversion, declared in the Vedas that animals AND humans were the cattle of Pashupati, another name for Shiva. What a nerve !...

With Shiva, one has to win one’s spurs and advance on merit. No social status, no economic caste, no specific «birthright». Only Wisdom has «force of law». (3)
I want to stress this point because it is crucial to understand the root of the state of the world : 
WHEREVER REIGNS THE SUFFERING, EVIL REIGNS. You cannot have the one without the other, because the one feeds on the other.
Of course, I am not talking here about a cold or an ankle sprain. I am talking about entire lives of suffering, submission, without joy or ecstasy. These societies that are entirely founded on the enslavement of bodies and souls only exist with Anu and nowhere else. Hence the importance of karma, which justifies these lives without any rest. One pays one’s evil deeds committed in past lives. 
India has abolished the castes in the texts but not in the facts. Gandhi, on whom they keep harping, would have abolished them after decolonization, but he clearly refrained from doing so. Because this system is rooted in Anu's Hinduism, which is very far away from ancient Shaivism that is more than three hundred thousands years old for its date of transmission to Humanity.
You can read, like I did, the sacred texts, you will read eighty percent of Anu : all these complicated rules, all these constraints, these threats, these fastidious rites which remind the Old Testament, the Kabbalistic magic, the endless obligations of Islam (which means «submission to god») and the hypocrisy of the gospels created to CONSOLIDATE the law of the prophets, and to sow hatred and discord within the families. Light years away from this illusion of the «love of christ». Did jesus not also reinforce the just and «divine» concept of caste, glorifying poverty by justifying the suffering to which he gave a redemptive aura ???
«Blessed are the poor in spirit......., blessed are those who mourn........., blessed are those who hunger and thirst......., blessed are those who are persecuted…..for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.»
Suffer, suffer, human friends, some day you will be happy. When ? Uh ... never, for sure. You first need to pay your karma. Every evil thought, every move not in accordance with the standard creates karma and directly offends «god», so heaven…you should forget about it !

Think about it dear readers : until several thousands years ago, only the Goddesses and Gods were compiling the Knowledge. Humans beings had to transmit it orally, because this requires to constantly keep the mind awaked, to do research, to immediately pass on the very interesting result of that research, and therefore to raise the Humans beings towards new understandings. Yet, what happens with the Kali Yuga? Everything is written, books become sacred, no one can go against the «revealed» writings. No more creativity, imagination, originality, or new way of thinking at the risk of becoming heretic, traitor, whimsical. A universal written law is absorbed by the minds and makes them fanatical or cynical. 
I read in a book of Alain Daniélou, I forgot which one, something very true, and confirmed by Marduk.
Knowledge must be directly transmitted to students, disciples and initiates. Not everything can be written, not everything has to become public. Oral transmission is fundamental, essential for our Gods. The voice is one of the favorite means of our Goddesses and Gods. The sound is a mantra. The sound is a healing. The Sound deploys the Life from which it originates.
« …..the writing is an urban phenomenon, characteristic of the Kali Yuga. The fixation of the teachings of «prophets» in books, which are considered sacred, paralyzes the ability to research, binds the so called truths and conflicts blind faith with search of knowledge. ...
Superstition in the writings is a barrier to the development of knowledge in the field of scientific and religious knowledge. The religions of the book have been one of the most effective instruments of decadence of Men during the Kali Yuga and were used by urban, religious or secular oligarchies as instruments of domination.» (4)
These words sound true, don't you think so ? What happens today if anyone dares to go against an «established truth»? And, established by whom? 
Nevertheless, in the present context, physically far away from our Goddesses and Gods, writing plays a fundamental role. But in absolute terms, and after tomorrow on Earth, we will return to the blessings of yesteryear, direct relationships and teachings of the true masters to the true disciples, and above all, of our Gods and Goddesses to their children, ourselves.

Shiva loathes these limitations, hates these choices of «society». His battle against Anu, begun long before the creation of the human race, is grounded on two opposite visions of Civilization.
Anu’s vision is that the civilized man must be in compliance with the system in which he lives, subjected and submitted. Communism and mind cloning create slavery for the people and peace for him.
Shiva’s vision is that of self-worth, creativity, originality, freedom that are the basis for every noble, worthy, magnificent civilization for all his true children. Not to mention dance, music, songs and celebrations !
In the Vedas, you will read that Shiva likes thugs and that «cosmic delinquents» form his legions. No doubt that Anu evokes here the cosmic mercenaries with whom he has teamed up himself. 
And that Shiva loves the people. What an unforgivable sin ... 
Shiva knows perfectly the human soul, he created it. He knows that the nobleness and intelligence of the heart do not result from any title of honor nor from assets on daddy’s bank account, but only from the nature of the soul. 
Tell me the choices of your soul and I will tell you who is your ego. And the reverse may be true.

Shiva has always carried on his teachings. That's why he inspired Hanuman to the wise storyteller of the Ramayana, more than two thousands years ago. Hanuman is presented as an avatar of Vishnu who embodies the conservative aspect of Shiva. Conservative, here, means «who maintains the worlds in balance».
So, Shiva is Hanuman. He wanted «to play this role» in the Ramayana in order to show the importance of generosity, of the nobleness of heart and soul, of loyalty, fidelity, solidarity, of the importance of helping the other to heal. Besides, Shiva-Hanuman is reminding the Yogis and Yoginis of his existence each time they perform a splits position or Hanumanasana.

Hanuman made a giant leap to reach Sri Lanka island from mainland India in order to find a very rare plant that would save Lakshmana's life, half-brother of Rama. With little time to look for the plant once in the place, he lifted the whole mountain in his hand and brought it on time to Rama. Lakshmana was saved. 
Each asana in Shaivite yoga has its history, its symbolism and above all, its secrets. The history of Shiva, of his avatars, of the Earth, of Humanity, of his metaphors, his teaching, his animals ....

As always, it is very difficult to write about this immense God, because the analogies seem to be endless. He appears everywhere, by force of circumstance. So, if we want to deepen our knowledge, repetitions are unavoidable.
Shiva constantly tries to teach his children. God of the Theater, «creator» of this wonderful art, he has always directed the history of the galaxy for his god-children and human-children ; he plays roles, personifies the 
elements, tells the secrets and the Sacred through legends and parables. His Goddesses and Gods do the same. For them, learning should be, at the same time, serious, comprehensive and ... fun, creative and fulfilling. (5)
Yes, Shiva constantly shows us the road to Consciousness. Because be careful, contrary to what the New Age, Hinduism, etc ... want us to believe, the reality of our world is certainly not a game. No God plays. They are really fighting and nobody will shake hands, even if a hypothetical voice will suddenly say «tail slate»! 
To sum up, Indians worship Hanuman and devote countless chants, mantras and tributes to him. Ok 
And the caste ? Do they agree with this incredible character and our sublime Shiva ???

All of us, Humans, have to ask ourselves serious questions about our choices and personal values. 
Our experience combines to the four Ages in a very subtle way. 
• The Golden Age is the Satya Yuga, the age of truth, the world of Shiva. The word «Truth» is so disturbing that, increasingly, everywhere, «Krita» Yuga replaces it. 
• Next is the Silver Age, Treta Yuga
• The Bronze Age, Dvapara Yuga where fraud and falsehood appear. 
• And finally the Iron Age in which we are floundering, the sadly notorious Kali Yuga
These four Ages retrace, in small scale and in parallel to «Heaven», the planetary path of the Earth and our personal evolution on a spiritual level. 
Thus the Golden Age, the Age of Truth, SATYA, guides our spiritual realization, supports our accomplishment: Kundalini to the seventh chakra, key to the Magnum Opus, etc. 
On the opposite, the Kali Yuga gives evidence of the ultimate fight for the children-warriors of Shiva and for the others, self-surpassing or self-destruction.

The Golden Age is for those who live and practice their spirituality up into the matter, place of incarnation, and who constantly and consciously develop Shiva’s values. 
The Age of Iron finally shows the true face of each through the battle Shiva fights. Shiva always highlights the dark side of each. Sooner or later, the masks drop with Him. All those who, by their extreme carelessness, indifference and cruelty have facilitated the deployment of this age whose duration exceeds 6000 years, will be held accountable for. 
Since December 2012, the dawn of this blessed Age,  that of Shiva and of Satya, is rising. But we will still endure the «comet tail» of Kali Yuga during several years. 

Again, I want to quote Alain Daniélou, although he says that Shiva is a «concept», which plays into the mortiferous hands ... (bold characters are mine.) 

«The Barbarian invaders whose incursions have marked everywhere the beginning of Kali Yuga have imposed their myths and cultures in India as in Greece or Rome, pushing back the Shaivite Dionysian tradition to go underground. Hence the creation of two parallel traditions, an official one, the Vedic, and a secret one, the Shaivite .. » (6)

I put dotted line here because I do not agree with the rest of the sentence. The original Shaivites (us, do not forget) were not ascetics, dirty and shaggy, beggars who waited for alms, ate excrements and drank in 
skulls ! Supposing that a God who loves so much Life wants for his children such self-denial just for his glory is such an insult that I refuse to continue in this direction. I will also leave aside all the mutilations required for the spiritual progress of Yogis (!!!). This is contrary to the teachings of Shiva who condemns all these unnecessary suffering with the most extreme rigor.

Shiva represents the god-master of the three constellations: 
Scorpio/snake/eagle which is equivalent to Kundalini, the follower in initiation, the master in action, death and rebirth, occult power, constant regeneration, eagle vision…
Capricorn, instantly evocative of Mount Kailash, elevation of Consciousness to infinity, symbolic place of residence of Shiva ; reliability, responsibility, courage are the three substantial qualities of an authentic Capricorn, if we want to link up here the constellation to the zodiacal sign.
Aquarius, the Water Bearer, the Golden Age, the entire and final revival of our solar system. Aquarius, which is unconventional, rebellious, libertarian, and where Uranus is in its own sign. Uranus/Shiva. 
This very brief description of the three constellations gives us some idea of the nature of Shiva. Begging? Poverty ? Humiliation? Renunciation? Really ???
All this demonstrates how common sense is essential in the study of the spiritual world, and how much one has to free one’s mind before diving into the sacred texts or supposedly sacred. Studying, questioning, searching, feeling, connecting the dots, and one morning the Truth suddenly arises. Then, everyone is free to accept it or not, to get into Shiva’s world or to run away.

Shiva uses the great natural cycles of Life because he embodies the highest level ever reached of personification of Life. 
Yes, we can say without batting an eye that Shiva is the Life. 
And his values are crystal-clear : 
• the respect and love of Life 
• the respect and love of Nature, included all its creatures (from animals to fairies via an entire unsuspected world which is cruelly destroyed by brainless humans) 
• the absolute right to be and to express one’s own nature 
• the absolute and inalienable right to Freedom, Truth, Knowledge, Creativity, Joy of Life and Love. 
The Love of Life, of oneself, of others, of the Other merges with an intense Jubilation, Bliss such as an Elation, a transcendent Dance, a complete Sublimation of the self.

Shiva is the true Father and the true Creator of Humanity, the only Father of Humanity to whom he gives free choice to experience what she desires, to do as she wants and to take responsibility for the consequences of her choices and actions. 
Yet -and hopefully-, Shiva regularly intervenes in human destiny. He saved her many times. He sends his messengers, his «avatars» to guide us and to raise us above the nothingness at any price. Because after all, if everyone is free to choose Shiva, nothingness, or what one wants ... One must have the means of those choices. In other words, knowing the true identity of each.
Today, thanks to the Internet, anyone who seeks finds. But one must really want it because these «findings» will make collapse numerous comfortable, deceptive and falsified beliefs. 
The war (conflicts and repeated genocides) prevails on Earth because the war rages on other cosmic planes. Evil exists on Earth because it also exists on Saturn, the Great Evil, Command Center of Anu and the diabolical creatures that form his legions. From that damned base, waves of misfortunes are constantly falling on our heads. 
Opening oneself to the truth of Shiva makes stronger, more solid, less manipulable, more impervious to Evil.

Shiva is the embodiment of Dharma, of Sanatana Dharma. 
Sanatana Dharma is the natural and universal law which governs all the Gods, all the beings, all the universes in their primordial, intrinsic, original substance. It avoids the chaos, the repeating «big bang», the massive and irreversible destructions.

Thus, the truth about the origins of the worlds and species can never be completely erased, and this in spite of the dangers faced. The ancestral rites, the reality of the Gods persist regardless of the ongoing Age. This is the grace of Sanatana Dharma, of Shiva. 
Sooner or later, justice is done and the truth illuminates again our souls and minds. 
The Golden Age represents the most powerful, the clearest and most eminent implementation of Sanatana Dharma.
-> Anu is Karma. The law of cause and effect which is blind, implacable, sadistic, where the Human being is always guilty of everything, overwhelmed, resigned by the divine curses, carrying his/her cross without any possible remission. 

Shiva is the natural law for everything and every being, hence his love for Truth, Freedom, Self-expression, respect for Life, etc. 
-> Anu crystallizes the law against nature, forced on everyone, that of the monotheistic religions, all of them created by him, sources and breeding grounds for conflicts, genocides, massive destructions and submissions.

• Shiva personifies Life in its most limitless, most generous and most beneficial aspect. 
-> Anu, the true hell, not that of myths and metaphors which symbolizes our inner depths (7) but the malignant tumor in the heart of Life that destroys the Heritage of Humanity with bombs, deprives the woman of any dignity, and economically and sexually enslaves children. 
We are surviving in hell, the hell of Anu on Earth, regardless of whether we accept it or not. 
This Eden, the well-known lost paradise we desperately or unconsciously seek everywhere, in every being, in every thing is the world of Shiva. 

The one of which we have been violently and cruelly deprived. Very soon, it will arise again from the Grand Immaculate Heights.

This is why the devout conformists reduce and limit Shiva to a rebel against conformity and conservativeness. Sure, Shiva tramples underfoot politics, castes, powerful people and dirty money. He laughs at the bourgeois fears, class rigidities and mental masturbation. Shiva is outside the norm because the norm breaks and muzzles. 
Shiva encourages originality for everyone, so that one can express one's vision of Life, create, experience without damage or muteness.
But Shiva extends beyond these conflicts linked to Kali Yuga. He accomplishes Dharma and serves Life at an unprecedented level.
The return to Shiva is sometimes painful because we realize all what has been taken and stolen from us, all what has been looted, destroyed against our will and because our forgetfulness. 
The great cosmic battle is a fact, not a myth as some want us to believe. All the ancient civilizations, all the ancient texts clearly evoke it, if one takes the time to study the few bits of truth left in a jumble of nonsenses and shady inversions. But these bits of truth will also disappear. Those who will have delayed doing some research will never know. Because the goal of this end of cycle is to destroy all knowledge still available on Earth, to wipe out from 
our asleep memories who we really are and from whom we are really descended.
One day, a bloodthirsty mad took the Earth and a part of the solar system. Shiva knew it. Shiva warned. Who listened to Him ? Very few. All of us today, Gods as Humans, are paying a very high price. 

Under the pretext of order and security, we suffer permanent damage since four thousands years. Even if in the West, we are somewhat spared, this will not last. Will history repeat itself ?

14:21 « Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors; they are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities..
14:22 I will rise up against them, declares the Lord Almighty. I will wipe out Babylon's name and survivors, her offspring and descendants, declares the Lord.
14:23 I will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland. I will sweep her with the broom of destruction, declares the Lord Almighty.
14:29 Do not rejoice, all you Philistines, that the rod that struck you is broken; from the root of that snake will spring up a viper, its fruit will be a darting, venomous serpent... 
14:31 Wail, you gate ! Howl, you city ! Melt away, all you Philistines ! A cloud of smoke comes from the north, and there is not a straggler in its ranks.»

9:6 «Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark...»

31:17 «Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man.»

13:16 «Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated. »

1-15:3 «Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. » (8)

Should I continue ? Frankly ... Who would want such a god who indiscriminately kills his enemies as his own children too? «Kill them all, God will know His own.»
I want to come back to one point : the greatest tragedy of Humanity ? Monotheism. 
Let's read together: (bold characters are mine) 
«Any religion that considers its faithful like chosen ones, claiming to have received from a god the right and duty to propagate their beliefs, customs and to destroy or enslave the «unbelievers» can only be an imposture. The crusades, the missions, the holy wars are the masks of hegemony and colonialism. ...
The religion of the city had to find its justification in the monotheistic illusion. «The number one is the symbol of illusion», say the Tantras. ... 
The danger of monotheism is that it succeeds in reducing the divine to the image of man, an appropriation of God in the service of a chosen race. 
It is the opposite of a true religion because it serves as excuse for subjecting the divine work to human ambitions. ... 
In the words of Toynbee: «The salutary respect and awe with which man had originally regarded his environment was thus dispelled by Judaic monotheism in the versions of its Israelite originators and of Christians and Muslims....Communism is an outcome of Christianity. .... I diagnose communism as a religion, and specifically as a new representative of the Judaic species, in which the Judaic mythology has been preserved under the disguise of a nontheistic vocabulary».

All the religious movements have been inspired by the Shaivite message, even though they seek to deny it, or have distorted its heritage. If the Shaivite philosophy is so little known, it is because we do not want to recognize its primacy, nor to see its myths and rites showing through those of the later religions». (9)

Shivaism is a nature religion. No.. this term of «religion» is not right for Shiva. 
Shaivism is a SPIRITUALITY of Nature and of respect for the natural cycles of Life. 
It calls on Humans to commune with their Goddesses and Gods (until they will be back) via a specific contact with Nature, ecstatic Dancing, jubilant Music in order that their own divinity flows out from themselves. The one that Shiva, in his great Benevolence, has placed in each of his children when he created us. 
Many authors studied Shiva, and more importantly Dionysus and his well-known «Dionysian rites», portrayed as orgies. Although sometimes several pages about Shiva-Dionysus are right, invariably, the filth of Kali Yuga suddenly arises, reminding us the dirty trick of the inversion.

Blaming someone else for one's own crimes. Attributing to someone else one's own follies and weaknesses, turpitude and evildoings. A master stroke. A master stroke of enslaver. 
Yes, inevitably we read the same stories about animal sacrifices and even worse, human sacrifices, blood rivers of innocent peoples and crazy cannibals. 

And I don't care that people who are enough blind debase themselves to such villainies, losing forever their soul. I don't care, I repeat. The interpretation of texts is a matter of intelligence, intelligence of the heart more than of the mind and above all, of a sound judgment being not manipulated.

Shiva wants us to be happy and free, and now he devours us? Uh ... is it not rather Saturn that devours his children ??? 
Shiva reveres Life, and as Pashupati, God of the animals, he demands their killing? Uh ... Is it not rather the exhortations of the monotheistic gods, whose different names relate all, WITHOUT any exception to Anu ??? Shiva lets us free to unreservedly express our own nature, to say all what we think, to write, paint, draw whatever we want, and now he muzzles us and forces on us drastic rules? ?? 
Um ... is not this rather the mark of the «god» of the Bible, the Koran and even Jesus, supposedly so good and benevolent but imposing laws, discrimination and alienating rules, very often under threat of death or worse, eternal hell ???

«If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.» 
Mark 9:43

«And if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet feet and be thrown into eternal fire.»
Matthew 18:8

«And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.
Everyone will be salted with fire.»
Mark 9:47-49

Oh, the joys of love...

NEVER, Shiva has required animal sacrifices, even less human sacrifices. Not either Dionysus, his Greek aspect or Osiris the Ancient, his Egyptian aspect. 
Shiva, pure wonder of Life, in love of Nature, in love of Women, in love of his children He protects for thousands of years, in love of Love ... and suddenly he feeds on innocent flesh, on blood and infamy? 
Come on ! All what is blamed on our true Father is the prerogative of his opponents, the Evil ones, the murderers, the desecrators, the usurpers who do not have the courage to take responsability for their own crimes.
«Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them» (Matthew 19:14), it is said, exalting pedophilia and its ministers to practice it.
Manfred Oeming says that «the violence of God always strikes also massively, women and children: children are victims of warriors acts, they are smashed against a rock (Ps 137,7); they are victims of cannibalism (2 R 6,28ss ; Lm 2,20-22 ; 4,10 ; Lev 26,27-33 etc.) ; they are sacrificed (Gn 22 ; Jg 11,31-39), in particular to Moloch (2 R 17,17.31 ; 21,6 ; 23,10) or cut into pieces (1 R 3)».(10)

Back to Shiva. Let's have a look at one of his most powerful symbols, the Linga (or lingam). 
Let's read the Shiva Purana: 
«I am not distinct from the phallus. The phallus is identical to me. It draws my faithful closer to me ; therefore it must be worshipped. My beloveds ! 
Everywhere an erected penis is to be found I am present, even if there is no other representation of me.» 

Shiva, great provider of Life, with an always fertile and divine semen, rests on the Yoni, the great Goddess Parvati / Kali who dominates over all Times (ages).
Still in the Linga Purana: «The entire world has the phallus as its foundation. All is issued from the Lingam. Everything comes from the Lingam. He who desires perfection of the soul must worship the Lingam».
That means that one has to find within oneself the union of Yin and Yang, of Ida and Pingala in Sushumna, the ecstasy because possessing the Goddess and the God within oneself, and because Shiva is the Origin, OUR origin. And by Him, symbolically, we must let ourselves be fertilized, ie that his power, his love and strength inhabit us. 
Above all, it means that the Lingam represents the soul of Shiva, the Great Soul, source of many lives. 
The true children of Shiva are born with Kundalini, with this invaluable present. When the great Serpent of Energy rises from the bottom of the spine up to the seventh heaven (seventh chakra), it becomes the Lingam. The Lingam that comes through the vacuole of each chakra-Yoni up to the accomplishment, in Sahasrara (seventh chakra).
Shiva is Min, the ithyphallic god who, tirelessly, sows, sows and creates. 
De facto, the man, bearer of the phallus, embodies a «little Shiva». And the woman, bearer of the Yoni, a «little Parvati». 

Think about the dismemberment of Osiris as it is commonly portrayed. Isis finds all the pieces of her husband's body, except the penis. The message is crystal clear and prophetic for whoever wisely decodes it. 
The disappearance of Osiris phallus infers that a serious imbalance is coming everywhere on Earth, the destruction for some time of the world of our Goddesses and Gods, and the advent of Evil for thousands of years. The Grand Benevolent withdraws for some time, in accordance with the will of Life itself.
The disappearance of this Phallus results from some laxness of a too spoilt Humanity in those ancient times. And then, somehow diverted by «newcomers». 
Century after century, millennium after millennium ... walking towards ease and deadly oblivion. 
When the human being has nothing real left within him, neither integrity nor will nor strength, nor courage, nor need for spirituality, nor profound desire for freedom and true love, then he is nothing but an empty shell, devoid of soul and heart. Humaneness given by Shiva vanishes and is replaced by irreversible inhumaneness. Because if, all of us, are little Parvati and little Shiva, certain values should remain within all of us, regardless of the tragedies we experienced life after life. Like an outpouring that is impossible to compel, a strong and stubborn Nature that always re-manifests itself. 
This quest for our origins only exists for thousands of years, but is fundamental, and supported by this outpouring. 
Freedom, truth, acquisition and practice of Knowledge should be natural for all of us, inherent to who we are in the Great Depths. We should really feel inhabited by this ineffable presence, Shiva-Shakti within us, and should persist in getting in touch with them. Dance, singing, meditation, yoga, performed in a certain way, help the contact.
So, is it easy for the detractors of Truth, - in reality, ignorants -, to assimilate Shiva and Dionysus and Osiris to possessors of souls, and any union with them to possession as made up in big budget movies. For what purpose ? Brutalizing our souls, terrifying our minds and keeping them away from our Gods.
Maybe, for the cool-hearted and narrow-minded people, the ecstasy offered by Shiva can be understood as crazy, just like a man and a woman making love would shock a little child who inadvertently would have caught such moments of intimacy. Positions, moans, cries would be terrifying, dangerous, animal ... because he does not know, because he does not understand what is going on ! Likewise, from an external point of view, certain dances, certain sounds, certain attitudes can be surprising or bizarre while in fact, they just represent the multiplicity of Life and its infinite expressions.
This extreme rigidity, which can break body and soul, is hidden in our daily lives, in pitiful situations, devoid of any consciousness. 
Let's see an example: jealousy, possessiveness. When a husband considers his wife as his property and does not bear that she stays away from him ; when he threatens her, cries, protests or blackmails her that he will commit suicide if she does something without him; when his entire life only revolves around her who nourishes, against her will, his obsession and his folly, then this man does not live according the values of Shiva. Similarly if the woman wants to possess the other. 
Because Shiva, though loving so much Parvati, does not prevent her from travelling, learning, experiencing. Even if he teaches her, she remains FREE to do as she wants. Her husband perfectly knows that no danger, no risk can alter real feelings, pure and profound love, even if the other one would be away for one day, one month, one year.

This kind of pathologically possessive person reveals a perversely obsessed jailer. If the parameters are to be modified against him, a war is declared between both souls. A merciless war between the one who wants freedom and the other hysterical -even evil- one who does not want to compromise. 
Loving someone is to make him/her free and happy. Any stranglehold seriously offends our Goddesses and Gods. War of souls, silencing of the ego, malefic selfishness, sucking the energy of someone are infamy. 

Shiva, on the contrary, exalts the individual within the couple and the group, because the way of being and the expression of individual talents joyfully feed couples and groups. Our Goddesses and Gods succeed in experiencing this apparent contradiction with an incredible and immortal plenitude. (11) 
Perhaps you are yet looking for the connection between the Lingam, dance and «stranglehold» ? Always the same sad story : self-abnegation ; oblivion of one's origins, of the importance of initiations ; absence to oneself, to one's depths ; refusal of any sane loneliness, to let express the soul ; sloth, indolence, carelessness ... yes, always the same sad story.

Back to the Lingam and its prowess: 
Marduk explained to me, long ago, that the Lingam, the pillars, the columns, Djed, Yggdrasil, all of them were a metaphor of Shiva and his tireless ability to fertilize: beings, races, worlds, civilizations, beauty, music, arts, dance .... So, he concluded, «In addition to the Goddess, to the woman, the Earth is the Yoni that Shiva ceaselessly fertilizes.» 
Shiva, god of sound profusion, of infinite abundance, of verdancy, is justly associated with the Green Man, Pashupati, the God of Nature and animals, Pan in the West. As usual, Pan is depicted as a satyr chasing all the yonis of the planet, insatiable, unbearable. Nonsense ! In the world of Shiva, seduction is not constraint. Nor pleasure, perversity. On the contrary, harmony reigns supreme because it, alone, moves away ruins and chaos. When this wonderful harmony is broken, then the Lingam / Djed «falls to the ground» and the ravages suddenly arise everywhere.

Let me be clear: 
The Lingam carries a sacred seed. This seed contains our entire history since immemorial times, our divine DNA, our most intrinsic substance. In addition to that of planets, systems and galaxies. This sacred creative seed also contains all the innate gifts, talents and elements that are inherent to the human race whose distant future, for the most deserving ones, is immortality.
So, making people believe that sex is dirty or useless, urging people to abstinence, condemning pleasure not only restricts the impact of the Lingam to the world but also deprives it from these innate gifts aforementioned. The souls get impoverished, the minds are dull, inner richness is more and more reduced. We then sink into the prophecy of Thoth or that of the Puranas. The more man loses his vocation of man, his sexual strength, his build and power, the more he becomes sterilized, the more the Lingam ceases to nourish its children. Not in retaliation, but because it does no longer have the sufficient genetic, physiological and spiritual support to fulfill its divine role. 
So there is nothing surprising to notice how our societies are degenerating. 
In the past, not so long ago, initiations marked the different ages of accomplishment of the being. Even the so decried military service was one of them. It indicated the entrance of the teenager in the mature world, making him responsible, making him more masculine. Everywhere, on all continents, ceremonies sanctified those moments when the teenager becomes a man.
Today, such rites would pertain to psychiatry, in the best case. The sacred, for now hunted on this Earth, waits for its hour of glory on other places, to our great misfortune. Lingam, Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, represent the primordial Nature existing in everything, in every place, in every being. The Lingam is the DNA of Life in what Life is and contains of more valuable. Attacking the Lingam is equivalent to attack the Life in its most noble substance. This will lead to dark and black chaos.

Back to the practice of Shaivite dances and songs. Those who participate in their homes or in festivals and ceremonies to such ecstasies (12), which are very natural, become Bhakthas, «participants» and followers of the Grand God Yogi. 
Let's listen to Marduk: 
«What is, stupidly, considered by too many people as orgies and bacchanalia, have nothing in common with these. As usual, a diversion of the meaning of words and deeds takes Humanity away from the Truth, the one that divinely enlightens souls and spirits. Jubilation, ecstasies, -as you call it- offer true wisdom to the Bhaktas who commune with the Gods and Mother- Nature, herself powerful, original, extravagant. 
What do you want to know : the intense joy of loving and existing between two sincere laughter or the dryness of the followers of religions, full of unnatural rules ? The choice lies in your will.»
In the first pages of his book, which of course contains stories of human sacrifices and other nonsenses, nevertheless Alain Daniélou writes : (13)
(bold characters are mine) 
«... the malicious and perfidious descriptions that Livy has made of Dionysiac rites to justify the persecution of their followers. Greece, too, has experienced the political persecutions of bacchants. Throughout Brahmanism official Greek or Roman religion, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, we always find the same opposition to the survival of the ancient religions based on the love of nature, on research of the ecstatic, the same persecutions of Shaivism, of Dionysism, Sufism, mystic sects. 
One of the weapons of urban religions is moral tyranny, based on dogmas which allow it to discipline man and to oppose his self-realization. Puritanism is totally unknown in the primitive or natural world. »(14)
You can notice that all the religions listed above, except, of course, those of our Gods, are the prerogative of only one malevolent being. 

Then, he goes on, saying (15)
(bold characters are mine) 
« Especially in things of the flesh, the Christian religion imposes an extremely strict moral code. 
It condemns love in itself, the pride of life. It therefore goes against the most powerful instincts of the human animal. 
Having introduced for moral transgressions the theological notion of sin, which is to say a direct attack on God, this religion weighs down man's entire existence with an unbearable load of guilt, with the expectation of judgement and eternal punishment, which threatens to hamper every action and to kill all joy. There is nothing of all this in the ancient religions. »

Alain Daniélou goes on :
«The persecution of sexuality, essential element of happiness, is a characteristic technique of all patriar-chal, political or religious tyrannies. 
Shivaism remains essentially a religion of the people, but at the same time it is also the religion of the highest degree of initiation in the Hindu world. Indeed there exists no other true initiation except the Shivaite one. All mystery cults have a Shivaite or Dionysiac character. 
The heritage of Shivaism remains the basis of Hindu spititual experience....»
I would add, not only of the Hindus. 
The war waged by all monotheistic religions against Shaivism is global. 
Kali Yuga is surely a terrible interlude, but a short period of time in the long cycles of Life. Shiva is still standing back for a few more years. Then, the Grand Tiger will roar and Evil, knocked out with unbearable sounds for him, will be destroyed.
Everywhere you can see or visit vestiges of Shaivism, without even knowing it. The Stantari in Corsica, the standing stones, those of Carnac, Stonehenge, the stones with face and many others, all evoke the Lingam. All ancient civilizations show a God who dances, ityphallic, horned or even both or all three at once. It is ALWAYS Shiva. I really think that we have to return to ancient Shaivism of which Yoga and Tantra are the two crucial aspects 
A few words about present Tantra:
Unfortunately today, Tantra is wrongly associated to wild sex, sometimes between people who do not even know each other. This is because of teachers who are most of the time incompetent, trained in two weeks in some depraved ashram, without any consciousness or profound and sound approach of Shiva. 
The real Tantra, the primordial sacred Tantra, that of Shiva requires a long and powerful initiation into the great Mysteries, into the many secrets of the universe, supported by Yoga, Hatha that makes strong and solid, and Kundalini that opens chakras and deploys the subtle bodies. And it's certainly not during a weekend at the seaside that one can penetrate the mysteries of authentic Tantra. 

One more word about the standing stones and ancient Shaivism. Everywhere I said, there are vestiges of that undeniable reality. 
Pell-mell : in Mohenjo Daro, in French Basque Country, in Nice, in Corsica, in Brittany, in Sumer, of course in India and in particular in South India, in Kashmir, in Nepal, in Tibet, in Greece, in the entire Middle East, in Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Bali, Malta, on Easter Island, etc. It's enough to read the book written by Sir Mortimer Wheeler (16) to be convinced.
Always the same symbols, the same sacred animals (snake, bull, hawk, owl, ram, tiger, lion, panther, eagle, etc.), an extremely advanced architecture, an amazing cleanliness, huge statues with a third eye, horned Goddesses and Gods, but also the same jewelery, the same stones (especially lapis lazuli), etc, etc, etc. There is no one more blind than one who does not wish to see. 
We are told that the first traces of Shaivism go back to what we call prehistory. In fact, much further. 
Song, mantras, dance, theater, celebrations, tributes, initiations accompany Humanity for more than three hundred thousands years, and our Gods and Goddesses for much longer. Our genealogy, our chronology are corrupted, or established on distorted or made up bases. 

The winner, even of one battle, always rewrites history to his own glory, destroys temples of the defeated to rebuild his own places of worship. Never forget it. Each time you meet a basilica, a cathedral, a church or any religious building, think that below, most of the time, vestiges of OUR temples remain.

Similarly, there is a big mess in the use of the term «Aryan», «Indo-European» and «Indo-Aryan». 
It is easier to speak about the «Children of Shiva». This avoids to constantly justify or specify terms that are corrupted. Regardless the names historians or re-writers of history have used. 
«Under one term, confirmed Marduk to me, sometimes several peoples coexist, while they have nothing in common with each other and are even not descended from the same God ...». 
The same goes with the cosmic battle between the Devas and the Asuras. Sometimes our Gods are the Devas, sometimes the Asuras. «Someone» has visibly taken a malicious pleasure to swap the names at random to add more confusion. 
Shiva is nowadays increasingly understood in ashrams and books (written by the «initiates») as a «spirit», an «energy», a «universal principle», a «concept» and very rarely as a REAL being. Evil works well ...
Even if Shiva is not in your heart, do not shrug your shoulders, because as Montaigne would conclude «it is a foolish presumption to disdain and condemn as false what we do not consider as plausible».

Now, I would like to quote some precursory signs of the End of Times, according to the Linga Purana. This concerns the end of Kali Yuga, not the end of the planet. Very amazingly, in chapter 40 of this Purana which dates back thousands of years, much older than the Prophecy of Thoth (17), the author describes with striking details our present situation.
The goal is not to speak about a situation that all of us experience, at least those with Consciousness but rather to synthesize even to memorize the words of Shiva. Here are some, pell-mell, so to speak (my comments are in regular letters):
«They are the lowest instincts that encourage men of Kali Yuga. They choose preferably misconceptions. ... 
They do not hesitate to persecute sages. Neglect, disease, fear spread. ... Men have no morals ...
It will kill the fetus in the womb of his mother....
(Beware, it is not here about a blind condemnation of abortion that is sometimes necessary but about wars and genocides that do care so little of lives of pregnant women).
The heroes will be killed.... Thieves will become kings and kings will be thieves... 
Vile men will be honored.... 
Sages (scientists) will be serving mediocre men, vain and vindictive. Priests will debase themselves selling the sacraments. 
There will be many displaced people, wandering from one country to another.
Cooked food will be sold (dead food with harmful substances) 
Young girls will be trading their virginity. 
The god of the clouds will be inconsistent with the distribution of rainfall. 
There will be many beggars and unemployed people. 
Water will be scarce and scanty fruits. 
Rape will be frequent. 
People will become inactive, lethargic and purposeless».

You can see how it looks like our present world. 
In the Vishnu Purana (18), Shiva insists : 
«The people of Kali Yuga will pretend to ignore the differences of races and the sanctity of marriage, the relationship of teacher to student, the importance of rites. ... 
The heads of state will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all the wealth ... Many will be dressed in rags, unemployed, sleeping on the floor, living as miserable.»
Keep in mind that in the world of Shiva, our wonderful Father, money, taxes, social contributions, taxations, VAT do not exist. I will not develop here these points that were already explained in other books. (19)
We live in a world that is totally opposite to all the healthy values of Shiva, who is also Vishnu and Brahma. Shiva has 1008 names. Even worse, Humanity is absolutely not aware of the constant evil she yet undergoes. Worst of all, those who dare to speak about the sad future of this mephitic world are mocked, vilified, persecuted and in the worst case, tomorrow, confined to a mental institution or killed.

That's why, in my opinion, it's so crucial to quote these texts. Because, even if many of them have been corrupted, not everything has been erased. Too many volumes, too many writings, too many oral transmissions, too many of everything (including the vestiges of great Civilizations built by Shiva and his Gods). 
Truth, Satya can not restrain itself. And certainly not in the long term. 
Shiva clearly insists: «I am the one who no one can restrain».

Then, you will say, what to do! Going to war, standing on the barricades ? Of course NO. This world will collapse naturally. Why to make a revolution? To bring down a system and to see it immediately be replaced by another equally destructive? 
From this point of view, let's do Shiva-Bhaïrava-Kalki and Kali. 
Let's support our Goddesses and our Gods by sending them lots of energy, by cleverly spreading the Satya, by listening what Shiva wants each of us to do. But going to war, now on earth is certainly not a good idea. 
Read, study, spread. Everything is already said. Everything is already there. Right next to us, in a spacetime that is coming more and more close to ours: Shiva, already winner, as Life has already decided.

Evoke Shiva, stay close to Him: 
« O Shiva, Lord of the Dance, 
Thou who call, by rolling thy drum all who are absorbed in the things of the world, thou who avert fear of the humble ones and comfort them by thy divine love, who thou show by thy foot lifted off the ground, the way of salvation,
Thou who carry the sacrificial fire and dance in the houses of the universe, protect us ! »
Prayer of the people to Shiva

Now I will deepen the Dionysus aspect of Shiva, even if Shiva will remain prominent, no matter what you say or what you do, because for us, all is Shiva. However, I wrote the second part to further develop the sense of the sacred dance. Will you follow me in this short journey that dozens of volumes would not succeed to summarize ?


(1) See the book Ea, Orion et nous by C. Bright - EaShiva Editions… 
(2)  I invite you to watch the Arte documentary : «Violence au pays de Gandhi». Meaningful.
(3) See the book Ea, Orion et nous by C.Bright - EaShiva Editions
(4) Alain Danielou
(5) see the book Ea, Orion et nous by C.Bright- EaShiva Editions
(6) Excerpt from Shivaïsme et tradition primordiale. Editions Kailash.
(7) see the book Les Runes d'Ea by C.Bright - EaShiva Editions
(8) Bible - New International version 
(9) Shiva et Dionysos by Alain Daniélou - Editions Fayard- who quotes in his text Choose life, by Arnold Toynbee and Daisaku Ikeda - Oxford University Press.
(10)  Manfred OEMING - Dieu et la violence dans l’Ancien Testament - Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2005, pp.11-30
(11) see the book Ea, Orion et nous by C. Bright - EaShiva Editions
(12) Coincidentally it is the name given to a filthy drug..
(13) Alain Daniélou (1907/1994) is a controversial author because, in spite of numerous nonsenses, he wrote many true things about Shiva, VERY disturbing for the current system, hence the numerous attacks he suffered during his lifetime and even after his death.
(14) Shiva et Dionysus by Alain Daniélou - Editions Fayard. 
(15) Alain Danielou quotes AJ Festugière (Etudes de religion grecque et héllénistique, p. 240).
(16) The indus civilisation by Sir Mortimer Wheeler - Third Edition
(17) Le livre de Thot-Hermès le trismégiste. Récit hermétique t.1 by René Lachaud - Editions Ramuel
(18) book VI, chapter 1
(19) Les Runes d'Ea Ea,Orion et nous by C.Bright - EaShiva Editions